The PCAS welcomes Pope
occasion of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Barcelona.
Party Castilian-PCAS-Catalonia and Application of Culture of Catalonia (CCCAT) presented to the elections of the Parliament of Catalonia (DOG November 2) Bid No. 16 Proclaimed)
Party Castilian (PCAS) in Catalonia and the Application of Cultures of Catalonia (CCCAT) at the November 28 elections to the Catalan Parliament, with the impending visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthrough the party leadership Catalonia and Castilian-PCAS Bid has formed with many independent Latinos and other immigrants, with the English original:
Taking the PCAS Party Resolutions at the First Congress in its Ideological Bases state:
"The political model CASTILIAN PARTY is a secular state where, from the deepest respect for all religious beliefs and personal liberty, public authorities must ensure free education quality to recover the positions Castilla and Castilian deserves in the twenty-first century Europe. Under the English Constitution and the secular State that she embodies, it will nevertheless always consider both the secular history of Castile and current sociological reality in the context of a society of religious pluralism, without giving Castilla roots or the sociological reality of Castilian village in the area it is installed it is the humanist culture of Christian and Western culture "
And having heard the views of the party leadership in Catalonia and the Application of Cultures CCCAT,
1 º) They want to the warmest and cordial welcome to the pope to our city Barcelona and Spain in general, since it also has to travel to Santiago de Compostela Occasion Jacobean Holy Year 2010.
2) that the global authority of the pope as one of the leading figures in religious leadership in the world, or perhaps the first, already deserves a warm welcome, if only out of pure courtesy and politeness. In this city if possible, precisely defined by Cervantes, the greatest exponent of the English language in 'Don Quixote' as a paradigm of politeness. Much more with the Pope of Rome!
3 º) also adding to this, Christianity is the first world religion, with about 2,500 million followers of the founder Jesus Christ. And Europe, Spain and Catalonia (like Castilla) have made in their rights and freedoms, to the Lake of the centuries, and their values \u200b\u200band idiosyncrasies, regarding the design and Christian and Judeo-Christian worldview that has shaped Western and much of the globe who live in freedom.
The Catholic Church has played a role in the history of Spain, at every stage and age at the time and the values \u200b\u200bof singing, and the link with Rome was secular and privileged. Therefore
reiterate: Our warmest welcome to the Holy Father, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, at the same time that we would write:
1. That the situation of the unemployed English and immigrants in difficulty greatly concern us, and we hope to support this (insurance) and the complicity of his Holiness.
2. Do not know the work or function of the common language in Spain and in this part of Spain, which is Castilian, without detracting Catalan, beautiful co-official language here, a castelellano that is both the first language and majority language (spoken by 45%) of the catholicity of the world, and so we feel good that remains.
3. Catalonia is a fundamental part, beautiful and very dear to us all of Spain's largest and we believe it to remain so in freedom, harmony and the rule of law parliamentary monarchy we have today and we have taken the English women and men.
Welcome to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bYour Holiness!
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