Friday, November 26, 2010

Reviews On Progesterall

Casique, published in Latin

addition to being the figurehead of the PCAS, what other Latino candidates listed here and in what positions are?

In my capacity as Candidate No 1 PARTY CASTILIAN-PCAS Parliament of Catalonia, I must say that we come to this election Catalan 28 N, topping the list because we have a serious project and feasible for all immigrants from English speaking Catalan , we in the top five three-Latinos and within the first fifteen are seven Latin American total of 24 with a desire and dedication to service to the community, this represents 25% of the list, which is a fairly significant number if we consider that it is the first time the Castilian Party presents the regional elections in Catalonia.

Why you feel compelled to be Latin American to touch the immigration issue when you get to Parliament, or origin is somewhat anecdotal?

Obviously, if Sunday 28 N the people give us your vote enough to get to the Parlament will touch the issue of immigration, because it is something that concerns all and we have to lay the political leaders to address this issue with great care and delicacy required, because it is human beings who have come to Spain loaded with dreams and hopes in search of a better future for his family and his country, but now that the economic crisis hits hard Spain, not because of them, they may be asked to go to their country of origin or were expelled, be unemployed or not having a residence permit can not be reason for some politicians seize the opportunity to develop a xenophobic politics, racism and discrimination against them, immigration is here because Spain was economically attractive and was chosen for life project freely and they were allowed free access with or without a visa, and since then are here contributing to the economic development of the country, thousands of them trading at the General Treasury of Social Security, paying taxes and trying to a normal life, that is positively integrated into this society, in good times for immigrants was active subjects mortgage lending by banks and indebted for life with one-sided interests now can not afford and now have turned against their own clients, immigrants, who before were good customers and compliant to remove your home, all who have, through judicial procedure very fast foreclosure. As I am American and I have migrated the obligation and duty to speak on the topic of immigration and the tragedy that many are living in the host country.
But there are other issues of concern to the English and the immigrants who deserve to be approached from realistic perspectives as the serious economic crisis, unemployment, political corruption, the right to elect and be elected, culture, education, language, etc.

How did you sense in this, your first Catalan campaign? What do you value political experience in a country so different from yours? And you, you felt valued for your ideas and contributions?

I can say with pride that I feel very valued and appreciated by many English people and enmigrados / as everywhere, mainly Latin Americans, who have sent me lots of congratulations and encouragement for having the bravery and courage to introduce myself as the number one candidate to the Parliament of Catalonia PARTY CASTILIAN-PCAS, although I must admit that is hard and difficult to gain ground politically in a country different from mine, which operated for many years political parties and even government professionals have parliamentary representation. However, despite this, I appreciate my first political campaign in this Democratic fight and I thank all the media were interested in this candidate giving voters know our approach and it is possible that the Party is Castilian present at the upcoming municipal elections as March 2011, because our demand concuidadnos also have representation in the councils.

Some believe that the presence of candidates of foreign origin in political campaigns no longer an exotic element. What is your opinion? Are immigrants positioning of political subjects or are being used by campaigns for propaganda purposes?

The presence of candidates of foreign origin in the electoral lists is a historical fact in this country, I would say a historical necessity, because if we chose to stay and live in this country, it is obvious that we contribute with our taxes to state coffers , strengthen the Treasury for Social Security, the consumption of Catalan, English and Europeans, to raise the birth rate some years ago was sorry and was a major concern to be endangered generational change, the immigrants have come to this country to contribute to its development and take it forward, to try to live well better conditions in our countries of origin and of course we are demanding our rights be respected and allow us to represent not only our communities but also to all the people of Catalonia who generously trust us. The positioning of Latino immigrants in the Catalan and English politics is important not to feel neglected and dismissed for a second or third place as has happened so far, perhaps lack of interest in the politics of immigrants themselves, or perhaps lack a party willing to ensure their rights and obligations and perhaps by the same lack of interest of existing traditional political parties, I welcome the presence of immigrants in candidates lists of other parties, that means that you are considering immigration to the time of voting, but I regret that carry fewer and in high places could hardly being elected, given that the electoral system this country can only vote for the party list, is not considered voting for the candidate. It's a step forward that is occurring in Catalan politics and one of the CASTILIAN PARTDIDO commitments is to fight to pass an electoral law of Catalonia to allow a free vote, is through politics that we will get the rights and obligations for too long neglected our fellow citizens, I do not think you are using immigrants as political subjects for propaganda campaigns, at least PARTY CASTILIAN not think that's the case and not during any of the other parties is the case, since the candidates immigrants are people of a certain level of training policy to accept to go on a list where they're used as a propaganda tool, that would be worthless, and we are old enough and we know what we want, we decide for ourselves and not need the custody of anyone or have to ask anyone's permission to introduce ourselves as a leading candidate list, and in our case, is the party CASTILIAN the only one who has given us the opportunity to lead the list without conditions of any kind and is the only party that is betting heavily by immigrants in Catalonia and that obviously jealous because the other political parties have failed to appraise the immense political baggage, cultural and knowledge of immigrants.

PCAS To the immigration issue is basic. How would you summarize the party's proposals related to immigration?

what immigration propose: In matters of citizenship
propose that the Ministry of Justice of Spain meets ruling on applications for English nationality within six months of the request, as contemplated in Article 42.2 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, not later than three years to resolve as it is currently doing.
That the right to reside social ties is reduced from three to two years of living in Spain. That
host the common language of immigrants is the Castilian throughout the country.
should be set as a condition for granting the residence of English knowledge at least, and a brief overview of the history of Spain.
The Catalan and Castilian bilingualism in all public institutions of Catalonia.
The classes taught in Castilian and Catalan in all public and subsidized schools in Catalonia, and a third language.
No expulsions of foreigners staying illegally in Spain and have been allowed to cross borders because of lack of control by the state responsible for safeguarding the borders, so it is a duty to protect, help their integration and their documents with their residence permit if they meet the requirements because they are human.
rascismo not to increase, xenophobia and discrimination in Catalan politics. More
social support for immigration.


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