Thursday, November 25, 2010

After I Eat My Face Gets Hot And It Turns Red

Poodle Toy

Learn about temperament and personality of Toy Poodle. Discover how it is, its features and how it behaves.

oodle Toy
Toy Poodle Temperament

The Toy Poodle is good-natured and eager to please. He also is cheerful, loyal, proud, dignified and very intelligent. When most people think of a "Poodle" think of a female dog. But nothing could be further from the truth. It is really very strong and athletic. He's incredibly smart - one of the most intelligent breeds - and trains easily. He thinks of himself as a person and demands to be treated as such. He is very affectionate and craves your love and companionship. He wants to be with you always. It is very playful and loves to clown. Has a keen sense of humor! It is very energetic and very active in the home. It's playful and can learn to play ball! It is a good swimmer and loves the water. He is very sociable and loves all people. He is kind and patient with children. He gets along well with other dogs and pets. If you are bored, can misbehave, so you need to give something to do to occupy his mind. Can be trained at home very easily. It is one of the most popular breeds.

Toy Poodle Training

The Toy Poodle is very intelligent and very easy to train . Learn new commands and orders much faster than other races. You can train at home easily.

Toy Poodle "Shedding" (falling hair)

The Toy Poodle sheds almost no hair at all, hardly find Poodle hair at home.


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