The PSOE claims that the new-PLA bike lanes are dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians with more than 10 wounded.
Councilman socialist municipal group, Jorge Espí, reported that the rails at the Pla are dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists to be inclined and end abruptly at some points. The PSOE is preparing a motion to be presented to the full "in order to lower the danger" of the rails. The Federation of Pensioners and Retired Persons asked a meeting of the Municipal Council of Older Persons believing that "in no case should use the natural area of \u200b\u200bthe sidewalk to the bicycle lane. None of the injured received the call yesterday City Hall inquiring about his health.
The cycling route designed by the City for the Pla district has become a trap for the neighbors, especially those older, who report that in just one month, a dozen People have stumbled over the curb of segregated bike lanes that has been built on the street Haroldo Parres and around the garden square located between Inmaculada del Pla, Rio Seco and Father Esplá. Some suffered serious declines that ended in the hospital or health center to not perceiving the "step" of about 15 centimeters in some areas of the city defines the cycle routes that are enabling a network that will exceed 90 miles and will be finished in December.
Esperanza Rodríguez Pérez, 83, fell on Monday at 15.30 hours in the new cycle lane Parres Harold, in an area which is hidden from view by a row of cars parked on drums. "I hooked my foot," explained Yesterday the woman, who was treated at the Hospital de San Juan de policontusions. According to the Emergency part has its own bone fracture of the nose, which is completely bruised and swollen wrist and left hand, fractured right big toe and "a lot of pain" all over his body. The same is Maria Garcia Valero, 72, who fell last Friday against the Pla Immaculate park when going to the health center. "I went to cross and I realized that it was there," he said, referring to the bike lane. In his case, he hit his head, broke her glasses and lost consciousness. She was seen by a neighbor who does not remember that la llevó hasta una farmacia próxima "donde me limpiaron la sangre y llamaron al centro de salud". Desde entonces sufre mareos y no puede salir a la calle sola. "Me tiene que acompañar mi hijo a todas partes, me da todo vueltas y tengo fuertes dolores de cabeza". Lleva tres grapas y cuatro puntos de sutura en la ceja y la mitad de su cara está amoratada.
Francisca de Val, de 75 años, lleva el brazo derecho en cabestrillo. Tropezó el pasado lunes contra el bordillo del carril-bici del otro lado del parque, cerca de Padre Esplá, y se rompió la muñeca derecha. "No estoy acostumbrada a esto y no lo vi. Llevo toda la vida viviendo en este barrio, nunca me he caído y me pasa esto ahora". Francisca explicó que also hit his nose, which filled her whole face with blood, hurt his foot. The surrounding neighborhood
keep track of people who have fallen to curb the cycle lane, which is in front of the road slope and steep. "There are twelve, all of the neighborhood and all over." In this sense, reported the shocking case of a man of about 80 who broke "the whole shoulder and arm, and has points in his eyebrow." The son of Mary said that many older people slide when it rains in the zebra crossings so these curbs are all calling for an architectural barrier to be replaced by white paint on the ground or marked with a row of bollards plastic.
health center sends the part of one of the injured to the police court
Health Center Provincial Home, where he attended one of the wounds, María Valero García, sent to the police court of injuries suffered as a result of the accident, which reads in the document as "fall in street by step in bike lanes." The part contains as injuries "incisive wound contusion on his right eyebrow, right periorbital hematoma and a pending request emergency CT scan." It also indicates the assistance provided: cleaning and disinfection of the wound and suture, among others. Part is added to another document which states that "the Agency Valencia Health informs you that the cost of health care resulting from an accident covered by some insurance or produced by a third party responsible for it can be claimed later to the insurer or third party caused the accident or injury. "From when injured persons have not thought about reporting to the City but one of them has been the case in the hands of an attorney. The street pharmacy Inmaculada del Pla, which have provided the "first aid" to some of the wounded or called an ambulance, they believe that bike lanes have been placed on ramp is dangerous and even a cyclist, if encountered, "could fly". The pharmacist knows five falls and other cases as a marriage he left the floor to trip the man and the woman could not hold him, and although about one lane is a pedestrian crossing, where neighbors now crossed the curb "and nothing never happened before." JH (source Daily Information)
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