Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dune Buggy Pinewood Derby Car

the full City Council: More than 12 accidents with injuries in the Pla.

Los carriles en el Pla son peligrosos para los viandantes y también para los ciclistas al estar inclinados y acabar bruscamente en algunos puntos. Ya que cuentan con un bordillo excesivamente alto, además de estar inclinados y acabar bruscamente en algunos puntos.
Exigimos a la Alcaldesa que dé instrucciones inmediatas para que los carriles-bici no se delimiten mediante bordillos, sino mediante pintura no deslizante o mediante elementos de plástico discontinuos, modificando aquellos que ya se han construido con bordillos.
Los inconvenientes que estos carrilles están causando en el barrio del Pla, tras provocar falls to pedestrians, are important enough to devote the time needed at the plenary.
The mayor said that in a month a dozen people have stumbled over the curb of the bike path about 15 inches high that the City has built in the district of Pla. Some of these people, mostly elderly, have suffered serious declines that ended in the hospital or health center. But it's not safe for cyclists, as the lane ends abruptly at some points and is leaning on others. "From the Department of Traffic must address this fudge that is causing many problems for pedestrians and cyclists."

says I remind him that the Federation Pensioners and Retired Persons "in any case you must use the natural area of \u200b\u200bthe sidewalk to the bicycle lane."

I put some examples:

Esperanza Rodríguez Pérez, 83, fell on Monday at 15.30 hours the new cycle lane Parres Harold, in an area which is hidden from view by a row of cars parked on drums. According to the Emergency part has its own bone fracture of the nose, which is completely bruised, and inflammation in the wrist and left hand, fractured right big toe and "a lot of pain" all over his body.

María García Valero, 72, who fell last Friday against the Pla Immaculate park when going to the health center. He hit his head, broke her glasses and lost consciousness. Since then experience dizziness and can not go out alone. "I have to accompany my son everywhere, all around me and I have severe headaches." It takes three staples and four stitches in his eyebrow and half his face is bruised.

Francisca de Val, 75, takes his right arm in a sling.

A man of about 80 who broke "the whole shoulder and arm, and has points in his eyebrow."

In the police court have already reached parts of injuries sustained as a result of accident, which reads in the document as "fall in street by step in bike lanes." The part contains as injuries "incisive wound contusion on his right eyebrow, right periorbital hematoma and a pending request emergency CT scan." a marriage that he fell to encounter men and women can not hold him, and although about one lane is a pedestrian crossing, where neighbors now crossed the curb. "

is logical not want to A motion is not interested in the health of Alicante. He prefers to be paid vacation and yacht.


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