The PSOE insists on the dangers of bike lanes in urban high after falls The Pla
socialist councilor in the city of Alicante Jorge Espí yesterday insisted the danger posed to pedestrians elevated cycle lanes being installed in some neighborhoods within the cycle network in Alicante and have led to many falls between Pla neighbors. Spinnaker said these curbs are "perfectly normative" but also "inappropriate" for the town. "On the beach of San Juan are fine but in areas of high population density and traffic or in the heart of the city are a big problem," said.
The Socialists say they are much more desirable in these points slip paint on the floor or installing plastic beacons, "so the rider has a designated area but also can cross the city." Espí recalls that segregated lanes, which have a height of about 15 inches, ending in apex, increasing the danger to pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
The opposition group made to last an initiative calling for a full solution to this type of cycle after the fall of citizens "but Councilman Juan Seva-Traffic and Transport, said it was not going to take any action. If a rider falls and gives back to the curb may be invalid. We denounce the passivity of the group of government on this issue. "Socialists announced yesterday that they will insist that you take action and do not rule out move.
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