Thursday, December 30, 2010

Counterfeit Titleist D2

Councilman Jorge Espí expected that the local police brigade is not left end in a sort of bodyguard of the mayor "

"El anuncio de la creación de la brigada de intervención rápida es more sensational than real, "he said yesterday Jorge Espí Socialist councilor, who warned that" do not know if in the end will become a bodyguard for the mayor. "
The mayor of the opposition responsible for monitoring related issues said public safety first, "For us it is good to strengthen security in neighborhoods," but immediately added that what is now announcing the PP municipal and mayor who will create "I think it is a ballot measure especially for the northern districts. Espí recalled that meet these ads PP, "the National Police is the one acting in the northern districts and which will improve security in this area. "
By contrast, Jorge Espí regretted that the case with the local police and asked the mayor, Sonia Castedo" Where is the Police District was an election promise PP ". For the Socialist councilor" what happens is that the Borough Police will not work because a single agent can do little if you have no support. "
Espí also referred to the municipal union's complaint about alleged irregularities UGT in the recruitment of this brigade and PP warned that "we will be keen eye for actors that are part of this brigade are properly selected.
Spinnaker said the PP had already made an earlier reference to a group like this to monitor the schools and the use of police dogs, so he deduced that this brigade is the result of that provision that was never carried out.


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