Learn about temperament and personality of Cocker Spaniel. Discover how it is, its features and how it behaves.

Cocker Spaniel Temperament
Originally (and sometimes still) bred as a hunting dog, the Cocker Spaniel has become one of the most popular breeds in America. They love people and crave attention and affection of their masters. They want to be with their families as much as possible and applied for the position of your shadow, if you're hiring. They will not be good if left alone for long periods of time. The Cocker Spaniel does not receive enough attention to become destructive. They are very busy, active and playful, but can be stubborn. Consistent discipline is necessary. However, The Cocker Spaniel is good agility, obedience, and therapy. They have a need moderate exercise, and you must do it daily. Generally, they enjoy playing ball or frisbee and learning new tricks. They are athletic, agile and quick, and love to hang out, fiddling around with their families. They are good with other animals and love to live with other dogs. They are excellent with children. They'll eat anything and everything that is within sight, and may try to steal your (and their children) food. Do not be surprised to find your Cocker Spaniel at the kitchen table licking the butter dish. They are like living alarms (quick to bark if a stranger approaches the house), but is very friendly with visitors. Your friends will know what it is to be greeted by a tail wagging quickly. The Cocker Spaniels are loyal, loving dogs, sensitive, making them great companions!
Cocker Spaniel Breed Training
The Cocker Spaniel is very intelligent and easy to train , orders and commands learned much faster than other dog breeds
Cocker Spaniel " Shedding " (falling hair) Cocker Spaniel
throws a lot of hair. Find hair stuck to the bed, carpets, clothes and everything else in your home.
Photos Cocker Spaniel

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