Joaquín López Arias Secundino usually call all your friends, suppliers, customers, and other specimens, a cocktail in the restaurant mistral in early December to enjoy some quiet time (I love the quiet moments before the storm. Leon, The Professional, director Luc Besson, with Jean Reno and Natalie Portman 1994), which gives you opportunity to enjoy the delights of the Master Jesus Muñoz, conversation with Juan Ramon Gil, or jokes of Armando Sala.
On day 1, we held the event. The agreed time, eight o'clock. A quarter past eight I went to the room. I met Don Armando, as he is known in football and billiards, chatting with Don Jorge Espí. I did not know Espí despite sharing with it the freedom socialism. "Jorge, I am outraged, I heard this morning on radio outburst calling Juan Seva clown. Does not seem right!. Jorge did not know if he was serious or was playing a joke has not the breeching of Carmencita Sanchez Brufal or the mood cautious and boring Professor Roque Moreno bonísima I think a person whom we will discuss the suggestion that I gave the presiding judge of my PhD, Professor Octavio Carpena Artes, "Johnny, (it was Santomera), I told them (referring to Antonio León, then Minister of Agriculture of the Murcia regional government), than for what they want to get into politics. " However, the feint Espí well accepted and was not angry about the "rifi raphe" with Seva. "Everyone acts according to its formation." Good definition Don Jorge, there is nothing better than contempt adversary already said Chateaubriand, "Let thrifty with contempt as there are many in need of it."
And so we go. You can be spiteful, evil, dark, sly, crafty, sly, perfidious, perverse, rogue, scoundrel, villain, sinister, twisted and evil, but what ever may be is disrespectful.
And Juan Seva, security council, police and others, was a disrespectful clown calling him Jorge Espí. Also, if I had said good-natured, venerable, naive, gullible, naive, earnest, modest, innocent, and even blissful, would have applauded even with the ears, but no clown.
Juan Seva, Councilman security, clerks, quickly, looking grimly through the teacher to apologize, but the apology, and we know that poetry is a weapon loaded with future (Gabriel Celaya, songs Iberians 1955), only when they are sincere. In this case I think the illustrious Don Juan Seva, councilor of traffic lights and lanterns, it was not sincere, but rather are kept to the script.
What happens in the house of people that have installed the stress, the hustle, bustle, the din and commotion. A few days ago, at the opening of the training room of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation, headed by José Enrique Garrigós, Her Excellency Dona Sonia Castedo Ramos said: "Although he weighs, this will be done." And I wonder: Ms Sonia, to whom he may regret that it opens and runs a training center that also called Emilio Vazquez Novo, Galician wise, dear friend.
defuse tension and devote the time we left, if we can, to work for the city Dona Sonia. You know, it might not have said, that has a radio voice, nuanced and, I wrote here: "dubbing", would also perform stunts. Vd wood artist has no doubt Dona Sonia, but I do warn you as follow tense and that speech will be vd to turn Snow White's stepmother or grumpy dwarf, but never to bend or bamby or Jack Lemmon, Walter at most Mathauer. Dona Sonia
Serénese and serene to the group and in particular to Don Juan saints with whom I share friendship and appreciation, among other things because his cousin is as much as my brother.
Well, back to the beginning, the cocktail, (Excellence, says cocktail Cotel not, is it correct one or is not correct one?. There was a bonfire of vanities nii since we're in New York and I do not write like Tom Wolfe , even as Truman Capote, of course, in the movie "Infamous" by Douglas Mc Grath, masterfully played by Toby Jones in the role of Capote, Sandra Bullock says: "Excuse me, forgive me my father did not invite me to dinner and not bring anything, so I have brought a cake drunk," to Truman Capote which answered from behind: "And it concerns me, dear." What elegance Dona Sonia: learn vd. What gives you the life that has passed through the University but, well I do not want to continue lest we become angry and I will not be angry with anyone: "I'ma lover, a non fighter" said Michael Jackson to Paul McCartney " The love is mine "(CBS-1983). That said
of Vanity Fair and now not put where I am going back to the cocktail. It was a culinary lesson continued. Sometimes a C sharp rise from the seats makes the respectable and applaud wildly. C sharp was the offering, dear reader. The teacher had prepared some stuffed Alonso broth tempered with the soul and body at the same time lovingly and carefully cut the smoked. Jesus Muñoz, measured out the Foie Gras, seventy-two hours before had been transformed from a fresh goose livers to the delight of foie gras with figs, with nougat, with ... let me continue to enjoy the "emanations and lamp" produced by that ingestion of gastronomic lust. Judy Collins sang
in 1975 "Send in the Clowns (Stephen Sondheim -" Smiles of a Summer Night "), but it was sung by Barbra Streisand, Sarah Vaughan, Shirley Bassey and Grace Jones. I do not know if Mrs Sonia smoke, it probably does, but "Enfúndese in jeans pantaloness sibling breathe a puff of blond American / listen to Judy Collins / and the moon will be blue / and the shortest night / otherwise cure him / her at least comforting. " (The carousel furo. JM Serrat 1987)
pressure lower it to the pot, Mrs Sonia. If we do not cure, at least it comforts us, and set a hundred times a copy of traffic lights and illustrious council fines, Don Juan Seva, "Johnny, those things are not done."
As always with me in these quiet moments before the storm, the music, now I want to dedicate this program as "dedicated disks," which was broadcast on Radio Alicante and directed Vicente Hipólito, my father's radio, the Recently awarded the silver medal of merit of the work: Hippo, When are we going to redo the forty major, Saturday, medium wave, from four to nine and Antonio Navalon?. The theme song is "Feel Like Making Love" by Roberta Flack (1974).
When you talk to me when you're moaning sweet
and low.
when you're Touching Me and my feelings start to show.
ooh-ooh that's the time I feel like making love to you.
that's the time I feel like making dreams come true ohh baby.
I leave to you and Mrs. Sonia and Don Juan, this little exercise in English and we read the next week, but do not forget:
The ghosts of Roxy
Do not leave us in peace.
Jnavarrob2009@hotmail.es This email address is being protected from spam bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view
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