Learn about temperament and personality of the Boston Terrier . Discover how it is, its features and how it behaves.

Boston Terrier Temperament
The Boston Terrier, also known as "The American man, is enthusiastic about life and often joyful. It is an ideal family dog \u200b\u200bas they are customizable, full of fun, loyal and loving. They are also intelligent and trainable (although a little stubborn). They are often slow to learn at home. They are friendly with everybody: you, children, and neighbors. He is very affectionate, not afraid to show it in public. It will also strive to entertain you, have a keen sense of humor. He certainly will feel attached to you and lick you all the time. He wants to go on walks with you and wants to sleep in your bed - I told you snore and wind continually throws? He expects you to buy him toys and he loves to play with them. It also hopes to have a small portion of your favorite chair. Because of their size, can live comfortably in an apartment or on a farm. Alert bark to alert you when someone new comes to the door, but does not bark much unless there is a reason, it makes an excellent watchdog. They are an energetic breed and need a little exercise, but keep in mind who can not tolerate extreme temperatures. The Boston Terriers require a great deal of time, attention and companionship human. But if you have these things to give, you get a true partner in exchange
Boston Terrier Training
The Boston Terrier is moderately easy to train learn new commands in the average. He is neither difficult nor easy to train.
Boston Terrier "Shedding" (falling hair)
The Boston Terrier sheds a good amount of hair. Find hair stuck to the bed, carpets, clothes and everything else in your home.
Boston Terrier Photos

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