The Socialist Party calls for the inclusion activities within the program Valencian Provincial Auditorium
• The provincial deputy Jorge Ripoll Espí requests through a request to incorporate poems in Catalan, traditional dance, choir i polyphonic in this language guided tours of the school by school
03.03 .11 .- The Socialist Group in the County, through the Deputy Jorge Espí, has asked President José Joaquín Ripoll inclusion in the program of actions adopted by a few days ago the Board of the Foundation Auditorium ADDA Provincial activities in Valencia, musical and poetry collections such as traditional dance or concert singers of our language "he assured Espí.
Socialist MP has argued this request after receiving some complaints from people related to culture. "This is an audience of the province and as such must collect the sentiments of citizens of all nations. Activities are needed in Castilian and in Catalan. " Thus, Espí has \u200b\u200brequested also include programs school visits, both colleges and institutes, the audience "visits that may include actions to know that smaller facilities. It would also be interesting development in the Valencian school auditions with bands from different towns or polyphonic choirs in Valencia. "
"If you include activities in Valencia are content to all people is what it is that culture is as broad as possible and to reach all places." Figueras
Varela Emilio Pacheco and deputy provincial
today received the answer to the question raised on 3 February in plenary session in which he requested the opening dossier for the nomination as favorite sons of the province to Figueras Emilio Pacheco and Varela. "Deputy of Culture has stated that it will be difficult to adjust the clock to open these files for the election period. I think if there's a will can begin the process dramatically by 28 March. "
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