Learn about temperament and personality of the Rottweiler. Discover how it is, its features and how it behaves. And watch a lot of pictures of Rottweiler.
Rottweiler Temperament
The Rottweiler is a loyal, confident, calm, courageous, independent, caring and protective. Guardian is an instinctive known as the best guard dog in the world. It's tough, strong and powerful and has a lot of resistance. It is territorial with protecting your home and family. He does not make friends with strangers indiscriminately. It is prudent, attentive and aloof with strangers until properly introduced to them. You can be aggressive with other dogs, so you have to keep an eye on him because the other dog may be injured. He feeds on your company and you want to be around forever. He is fond of children and provides protection. He is very intelligent and learns very quickly. He Rottweiler can be a clown around his family, which can be very entertaining. Although it is an excellent watchdog Vigilante is not the best as it can not bark a lot. There are many other breeds that do better monitoring. But he is the ultimate guard dog! It is one of the top 20 most popular dog breeds in the United States, Latin America and Spain.
Rottweiler Training
The Rottweiler is very intelligent which makes training easy , orders and commands learned much faster than other races
Rottweiler "Shedding" (falling hair)
The Rottweiler sheds a lot of hair, you will find hair all over your house, stuck to your clothes, floors, carpets etc.
Rottweiler Photos
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