Monday, January 10, 2011

Who's The Actor For Jack In Jack In The Box


Learn about temperament and personality of the Maltese . Discover how it is, its features and how it behaves.

raza Maltese Maltese Temperament

Maltese is the best friend and accomplice, all in one. Certainly attract the attention of all / the people you meet. The Maltese is an ideal partner because they are so kind and loving. They are sensitive and responsive love snuggling. They want to be by your side at all times, and require to go where you go. They love hiking and walks. These little dogs are cheerful fun, playful and charming. They have no idea how small we are, so are very brave. That's why you need protection. It will sound an alarm when someone is at your door (barking), but as soon as that someone is invited to enter, the act is completed. The Maltese love children, but since they are so small, can be easily injured by a well-intentioned boy who believes he has just discovered the best stuffed animal. For this reason, many breeders will not allow a Maltese enter a home with children under 7 years. They get along well with other dogs and pets. Maltese Race Dedicated to being a Fellow of their masters and they do very well!

Maltese Breed Training

Maltese is moderately easy to train , learn commands and controls on the average compared to other races, is neither easy nor difficult training.

Maltese "Shedding" (falling hair)

The Maltese sheds practically no hair at all, difficult to find hair in your home.

Maltese Photos

cachorro maltese

raza Maltese


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